Add Details to Other Toppings and the Patty

On the pickle, use light markings to indicate value changes, like under the leaf, under the onion, and under the onion and leaf on the other side.

On the side of the pickle, the reference photo shows us that there are these numerous circular spots. Very lightly sketch the indication of these spots with various circles on the side.

Next, add more detail to the tomato slices. There are subtle waves and dents on the surface of the slices. Lightly sketch a few loose marks along the bottom edge.

Then put a few marks on the top.

On the other tomato, we’ll do the same thing.

Sketch a few marks on the edge, horizontal this time.

Then put some squigglies on the other side.

Then finally put some on the top surface of the tomato just like before.

In these next steps, we will sketch some lines that differentiate between the light and dark areas on the cheese slice.

For example, under the pickle, we see a glossy reflection on the cheese according to the reference.

There’s a shadow area to the right.

Then there is another bit of shadow area to the left of the pickle.

You know, this isn’t something I caught earlier, but you can actually see more of this left tomato slice hidden away deep in this shadow pocket.

Now sketch a wiggly line going down the left side of the slice of cheese.

Then we can start to form this shiny highlight in the middle.

Sketch a long, somewhat thin highlight in this center part of the cheese not too far above the corner.

Sketch a wiggly line along the melted glob on the side.

Then take it up and over to the end of the slice.

Now that the outline for the hamburger’s top bun and toppings are complete, it’s time for us to focus our attention on the burger itself.

Start with a light line to separate the top surface of the patty from the patty’s side.

Then use the reference and an imaginary line over the cheese to see where to continue on the other side.

Continue sketching a loose line from the cheese to the tomato slice on the right.

From this point on, use the reference photo to loosely sketch the bumps and dents in the meat that give it its texture.

I’m using the reference as a guide, but I’m not trying to be too exact here. The main thing to look for is where light areas and dark areas occur. Most of these wavy shapes I am sketching are dark areas on the meat.

Identifying these darks shadow areas now will be very helpful when we get to the shading stage of the drawing.

Now, continue to make the same wavy shapes on the burger patty on the other side of the cheese slice.

There is a dark cast shadow area here under the cheese and tomato slice. The shadow from the tomato is on the top surface of the patty.

All that is needed now is to continue creating the wavy shape pattern on the surface of the burger patty until you get to the edge.

Complete and Continue  